I try to put the students in as many performing situations as possible including street performing. The main objective is what will people do with their musical knowledge in their life and to prevent them from body injuries.
Most people think music theory is one of the most difficult subjects to understand. Also as an adult professional musician, I find major difficulties in connecting the understanding of the theory in the left brain with the practical experience in the hearing and emotional area of the right brain. The study of the theory is based on different visualizations, mostly connected with five-lines music staff or black & white piano keys. Some of us can’t get rid of the constant re-calculating from the basic visualization that is stamped into our brain. This picture is mostly determined with the way we first got in touch with music theory. My picture is of piano keys. In any key, I see C major or A minor. This means I might be a character in this joke: ‘what is the dominant of G?’ Answer: ‘strange question, G is already the dominant chord itself!’:)
There are many different approaches to understand the music theory. Each of them must be decoded back to music itself once it is internalized by learning or through experiences. Through my work with little children and their parents I developed a list of funny approaches that can help a lot to make the understanding of the music theory easy and useful.